
Keeping Children at Oatlands School Safe

Oatlands School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and members of the wider school community to share this commitment of responsibility.

Our children's safety and well-being is a key priority and we have robust safeguarding procedures in place. Our children know they can talk to a trusted adult about their worries and report feeling safe at school, alongside their parents/carers.

All staff and volunteers are given clear guidance and regular training in how to behave around and work with children. They are highly vigilant and know to report any concerns they have about a child's well-being/welfare swiftly. We will talk with parents if concerns have been noted and will keep them informed should we feel it is necessary for us to report these concerns to another agency unless the child is at immediate risk.

All Oatlands School staff know who within the school has specific safeguarding responsibility (our Designated Safeguarding Leaders).  This information is also shared with our parent community and all visitors to Oatlands School. 

Should you have any concerns relating to the safety and welfare of a child either inside or outside of school our Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSLs) are:


Mrs T. Mooney (Head Teacher) - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr P. Copsey (Deputy Head Teacher) - Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs K. Grindle (OSCAR Manager) - OSCAR Safeguarding Lead


Our School's Safeguarding Governor is Mrs C. King.


No single person can have a full picture of a child's needs and circumstances. If children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action - this includes members of the public. You can also contact Surrey Children's Services Early Help team by calling or emailing:

Phone 0300 470 9100


Should you have any concerns in terms of Safeguarding relating to the behaviour of a member of staff, you should immediately contact the Head Teacher. If the allegation concerns the Head Teacher, you should contact the safeguarding Governor (

Should you feel that your concerns have not been dealt with appropriately by the school/Chair of Governors, you should contact: Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), on or 0300 123 1650


Our Safeguarding Arrangements

For full details of the our safeguarding arrangements please refer to the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy below. This policy explains how the school deals with child protection concerns, including allegations about the behaviour of members of staff.

In addition to this policy and the law, all schools must follow the statutory guidance from the Department of Education and Skills.  This guidance is detailed in a document called Keeping Children Safe in Education.  This is also available to download below.