Learning & Teaching Overview

At Oatlands we strive to ensure that the learning experience for all pupils is both effective and enjoyable. We do this by:

  • Assessing the needs of all children in each aspect of the curriculum and planning to deliver skills and knowledge that are personalised to meet those needs.

  • Planning and delivering a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and allows for areas of learning to be revisited, developed and extended to meet the needs and interests of the children.

  • Using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic methods of delivery to meet the differing learning styles of all children.

  • Providing a rich and stimulating environment, which offers a wide range of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.

  • Ensuring all pupils develop a high level of motivation and self-esteem by operating a pastoral policy that rewards positive behaviour, provides opportunities to learn from experiences and emphasises values for life.

  • Tracking pupil progress and providing support, through intervention if targets are not achieved.

  • Liaising closely with parents, carers and support agencies, in order to provide children with optimum support.

  • Maintaining a high ratio of adults to pupils.

  • Ensuring all staff are well-trained, competent and confident practitioners who are able to deliver the curriculum both enthusiastically and effectively.


At Oatlands we encourage all children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our Whole School Food, Pastoral, Health and Safety, SRE, PSHE, P.E Policies ensure we have an environment and curriculum which teaches children to have an over-all sense of health and well-being.


Oatlands holds the Bronze, Silver and Gold Healthy Schools Award. These have been achieved through engagement with a project identifying how to develop the health and well-being of the school community.