
At Oatlands we know from experience that even a single day's absence from school can impact on a child’s overall progress and attainment in school. We also cannot over emphasise the positive effect on all children's mental health and welfare that comes from regular and consistent school attendance. We are therefore committed to supporting all our families to achieve excellent attendance and punctuality throughout their time at Oatlands.  In return, we will provide an environment where children feel safe, happy and able to build positive relationships with their peers.

We follow the DFE guidelines on leave of absence which means holidays during term time will not be authorised.

Lateness and absences are monitored and our registers are regularly reviewed by Surrey’s Inclusion Officer who checks for punctuality, unauthorised absence and long periods of absence without explanation.

Please see our quick guide to attendance below and further links at the bottom of the page to our Attendance Policy and Request for Absence form.

Daily Attendance Expectations

Please ensure that you arrive in plenty of time to ready your child for the start of the school day at 8.50am.  This means you should be in the school grounds no later than 8.45am as the gates will close promptly when the bell rings at 8.50am. Registers are taken promptly at 9.00am and are closed at 9.10am.  Any child arriving after the register opens at 9.00am will receive a late mark.  Any child arriving after the register closes at 9.10am will receive an absent mark for the morning session.

Please inform the office by phone (01932 843 990) or email ( before 9.30am if your child is going to be late or absent from school that day due to illness. You can leave a message on the office answering service if the office is not open when you call.  There is also a specific absence option (option 1) when you call during office hours (8.30am - 4.00pm).

We request that you make scheduled medical appointments outside of school hours or in the school holidays.  Any appointments arranged during school hours must be requested ahead of time and accompanied by evidence in order for the absence to be authorised.


You should keep your child off school if they are too unwell to attend. For guidance, please click HERE to access NHS advice.

Should your child become unwell at school, we may call you to come and administer medicine or collect them.  We do not hold medicine in school to be used on ad-hoc occassions.

Should your child require more than one day off school due to illness you should call or email the school each day to update the office regarding that day's attendance.

In the case of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, it is our policy that your child should remain at home for at least 48 hours after their symptoms have gone.

Evidence may be requested to support longer periods of absence due to illness.

If your child requires medicine to be administered in school please complete the Permission to Administer Medication form attached below and bring it into school with their medication.