This Week's News

Friday 17th January

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children all enjoyed their visit from Mark and Harold the Giraffe from the Life Base this week. As always, the sessions were engaging and informative teaching the children about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

This term as part of our partnership work with Manby Lodge and Cleves we invited expert, Sarah Johnson to visit all three schools to carry out a review of our provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Sarah has worked in senior leadership roles in Pupil Referral Units, Alternative Provision and psychiatric inpatient services. She has enjoyed roles including being a keynote speaker and author of books relating to social, emotional and mental health. She is also a parent of disabled children and campaigns for inclusive playgrounds.

We were delighted to show her around Oatlands and to discuss our SEND journey. Once she has visited all three schools she will share her report and recommendations as to how we can further enhance our provision at Oatlands and collectively as partnership schools.

Next week Lindsay Pickton, Education adviser will be returning to Oatlands to carry out a review of writing. Again, this is a partnership project leading on from our reading review last year. We are looking forward to a full day of celebrating our writing curriculum with him and getting his feedback and insight into next steps.

We are looking forward to the second round of our maths workshops next week when year 2 parents will be joining us.

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend and are able to pop along to the PTA treasure hunt tomorrow.

Tanya Mooney


Key Dates Next Week

Saturday 18th             12:00-2:00 PTA Treasure Hunt

Monday 20th              9:15-10:00 Lion Class Maths workshop

Tuesday 21st               Year 1 St Mary’s Church learning walk

Tuesday 21st               9:15-10:00 Tiger Class Maths workshop

Friday 24th                  9:15-10:00 Leopard Class Maths workshop


Royal Academy of Arts – Young Artists’ Summer Show

Now in its seventh year, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 4–18 studying in the UK. Artworks are judged by a panel of artists and arts professionals, with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Oatlands School has now registered and you can submit your child’s artwork on the Royal Academy website until 5th March 2025.  More information can be found here:


PTA Update

Oatlands Ball Auction Prizes

Are you an artist who can offer a specially commissioned piece? Are you a private chef? Or a trained dancer, magician or music teacher? Are you a beautician, hairdresser, fitness instructor or florist? Can you offer a holiday home or tickets to a sporting or music event?  If you have any exclusive and/or experience prizes that you would be happy to donate to our Oatlands Ball auction in May, please contact We can also offer smaller or complementary items together as an auction lot. Thank you

Oatlands PTA Treasure Hunt - Saturday 18th January

You are welcome to arrive any time 12-2pm to receive your first clue (to stagger the start times). This trail around the school grounds will include lots of puzzles and riddles to solve - as last year there will be two options of difficulty to hopefully allow the whole family (including Cleves-age siblings) to have fun!

Tickets are priced at £3 per child from and will also be available at the gates (cash and card payments accepted). 


Leopard & Lion Class Assemblies

Please note the date changes for assemblies.

Leopard Class           9:15-10:00 Friday 28th March

Lion Class                   9:15-10:00 Friday 23rd May


Safeguarding Notice

If you have any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing in the school or community, please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL). DSL- Tanya Mooney, Head Teacher.  DSL- Phil Copsey, Deputy Head Teacher or DSL-Kelly Grindle, Oscar Manager and Nurture Lead.


Updates to the Website

Autumn & Spring Curriculum information for Years1 & 2  Curriculum - Oatlands School

Values Stars

Well done to this terms Values Stars who have been awarded for demonstrating Oatlands Values


  • Can
  • Darcy


  • Noa
  • Lilly


  • Thomas
  • Sonny


  • Seren
  • Neva


  • Leena
  • Ishar


  • Finn
  • Emilia


  • Savannah
  • Luca


  • Leonardo
  • Zachary


  • Harper
  • Jack